“When She Flips Her Hair, the World Sees Her Shine”
When a girl says that ‘her mood depends entirely on how her hair looks today’, she does mean that. I have known days when I have woken up with smooth and bouncy hair and my mood instantly lifts up. I need no more reason to be happy and everything in life seems sorted and workable. I am sure every girl out there can easily relate to this emotion. I have wanted long, thick hair for the longest time I know. Even after all these years, running the scissors through my hair, even if it is for a basic harmless hair trim, sends shudders down my spine. My heart literally skips a beat or two.
Of late, I have heard of some amazing Hair Vitamins and Hair Gummies that women all across the world, have been consuming to aid the health of their hair. I had a brand that approached me to endorse their Hair Gummies on my Social Media handles and talk about the benefits of the same to my audiences. Before, putting it out to all of you, I wanted to experience the effect of the hair gummies first-hand myself. Hence, I ordered two bottles from the brand which had to be consumed over a period of two months. Also, I went neck-deep into researching well on these gummies and all their benefits and side effects before I could actually talk about them with all the needed facts and information with me. So, read on to know everything that you need to, before starting to chew these ‘much popularized on social media’ hair growth gummies.

What Are Hair Growth Gummies and What Are They Made Of?
Hair Gummies are tasty, chewable gummies that are touted as nutritional supplements as they have biotin and a few multivitamins as their ingredients. Biotin and these vitamins are known to aid hair and nail growth. Ideally, they are known to be vegetarian and gluten-free, but one needs to read the Ingredients list before being assured of the same. Also known as vitamin H, Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help the body convert food into energy. The word “biotin” comes from the ancient Greek word “biotos,” which means “life” or “sustenance.” B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous system healthy. Though there’s minimal research to support the effects of biotin on hair growth, there’s strong evidence to support that a deficiency will cause hair loss. It improves the quality of your skin and also supports metabolism. Apart from Biotin, these gummies also contain Vitamins A, C and E, Zinc, and Folic Acid.
Though Biotin is known to have benefits, at the same time, biotin supplements can also cause problems if you ingest too much. Side effects can include skin rashes, digestive upset, problems with insulin release, and kidney problems.
How Often Should One Consume Hair Gummies?
Ideally, the companies manufacturing hair gummies ask you to consume 2 gummies each day. And this should be done for atleast 2 months, to see any noticeable benefits in terms of hair and nail growth. Having said that, one must not consume too much biotin or other multivitamins. Higher levels of vitamins in the body can lead to serious illness and side effects, until and unless prescribed by the doctor. So ideally, for hair gummies, one should consume a pack for 2 months, take 2 pills in a day and then discontinue for a couple of months. In case, the gummies suit you and there are no side effects, you can restart their consumption again. But don’t treat your body to an overdose of biotin and multivitamins in one go. 2 months shall be more than enough. Remember ladies, your hair won’t just grow overnight, even if you consume the entire bottle in one go.

What Are the Benefits and Side-Effects of Hair Gummies?
Well, quite honestly, I did consume 2 bottles of 60 gummies each for 2 months, regularly. I was eating 2 gummies each day, as prescribed on the bottle. There weren’t really any drastically visible benefits as in the hair growth or the nail growth. But yes, I wasn’t having any hair fall in those days, as opposed to some of it that I usually have. Though, that can also be credited to the good nutritional diet that I was taking during those days, as admittedly I was quite conscious of the health of my hair.
I did, on the other hand, notice my skin going through some changes. There were intermittent acne breakouts on my face and also, and I could feel some rashes on my skin. The tone of the facial skin did get a little clearer but again, I could realise that my skin was not reacting very favourably to the regular Biotin intake. I can say this with even more confidence because a few months ago, I tried a bottle of Biotin capsules as supplements for my hair. But again, my skin had got irritable and hence I discontinued. So, it’s a no-brainer for me to figure out that Biotin doesn’t go well with my body.
Also, as per research, Biotin deficiency doesn’t happen often. There are enough food items that we consume daily that make up for the biotin requirement of our body. Still, if you feel like being a little more cautious about your intake, you can increase these food items in your daily diet. Items like Egg Yolk (cooked), oats, wheat germ, white mushrooms, milk, spinach, and oats, are very rich sources of Biotin. As a lover of everything natural, I would suggest you go the natural way and increase the dosage of these food items if you want to make your hair grow faster.
Also, children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should strictly stay away from these gummies as there isn’t enough research and data to support any advantage of these gummies on them. Yet, there have been some schools of thought who have advised against these gummies. So better be safe and take precautions rather than bearing any disadvantageous repercussions.

Final Thoughts
For the final word on hair gummies, we would suggest that don’t go by the fad without complete information. There are enough self-propagated articles and content on the internet by these manufacturing companies that list the endless benefits of consuming these hair growth gummies. The girls and even women around these days who are way too obsessed with their picture-perfect looks (all thanks to our social media savvy culture now) get easily lured into mindlessly ordering these gummies. Either get your biotin levels assessed by a Doctor and then take these supplements only on his prescription. Else, if you are really keen to try out these chewable hair gummies, because, in all honesty, they do taste delicious, order a bottle or two and take it for a month. In case you don’t notice any side effects, you can continue another month into it. But stop the intake as soon as you see these gummies not working well with your system. There is no need to hold the benefit of the doubt and experiment further.
Take good care of your hair.
Team LadyInRoseGold