Well, we are here categorically talking of the Indian families. So, you are a young girl and you happen to have an elder brother. Even though we all share different equations with our siblings, some old known behavioral traits have passed on from generations and still continue to exist. We all are struggling hard to break the shackles of the stereotypical thought process each day. If you happen to be on the greener side of the fence, just consider yourself lucky!
There are both advantages and disadvantages to having an elder brother. And when we say elder, we are ideally taking an age gap of 2 to 12 years into consideration. Feel free to share your insights, personal experiences and feelings on your relationship with your sibling in the comments section below.
Benefits and Perks of Bring a Younger Sister to an Elder Brother
1. Taking into account the setup of an Indian family, one of the siblings has to be a little rebellious and take the lead in breaking rules and be the bad child of the family. This usually paves the way for the younger siblings and makes things easier for them. So, if you happen to have an elder brother, he would have had his own share of daredevilry much before you and would have open gateways for you before you have to attempt anything wayward. So this way it really helps to have an elder brother.
2. Elder brothers usually have a protective vibe. Not just when you are out there in the world but also at home, in front of your parents. A lot of times he would take your sides and save you from your parents’ scolding. Also, elder brothers are like that parent but with a more chilled-out attitude.
3. He would make ends meet for you. Whenever you need something or are stuck with a situation, just ask your brother for help. You can say ‘NO’ to a younger brother, but not to a sweet-as-hell younger sister. Brothers are usually chicken-hearted when it comes to fulfilling the wishes and their younger sisters.
4. You can totally afford to be a tomboy. Having an elder brother acquaints you with the world of men and their ways quite early on in life. If you are not into the very typical girly things, and have a fetish for a more out-and-about life, having a brother would get you better insight and access into a men’s world.
5. Though parents hold a very special place in our lives, you will never miss having another father figure in your life. If your compatibility strikes the right chords, he can be your best friend, your biggest support system and someone who will always have your back.
Disadvantages of Being the Younger Sister to an Elder Brother
1. In most cases, when the age gap is higher between a brother and sister, the latter tends to turn over domineering and boisterous. This is like having another parent impose restrictions and judge you. This is definitely a huge flip side of having an elder brother. Being overprotective and judgmental and hinder the confidence of the sister over her own sense of independence and judgment.
2. With brothers, one definitely cannot do all the girly gossips, fashion talks and boyfriend banters. One surely misses this side of growing up if you just have an elder brother and no sister.
3. Though we have come a long way, there are still some elder brothers who are not very comfortable with their younger sisters being around their guy friends too much. He may also not acknowledge you well amidst his group of friends. This can certainly pose as a dampener in your relationship.
4. Finally, the kind of patriarchal setup that we live in, if you see your parents having preferential treatment towards your brother and not lending you the same space and freedom, this can severely hurt a young girl’s self-esteem and confidence. For this reason, having an elder brother can work against you. For that matter, even having a younger brother and seeing him get treated better than you, can also immensely dent your relationship with your family.
What Do All Brothers Need to Know If They Have a Younger Sister?
– Your sister is a regular girl first and then your sister. We sure do understand that you hold yourself concerned for her, but let her chart her own course of the journey in her life. You can be there for her to always fall back upon, but you cannot dictate her decisions and feelings in life.
– She should be as much independent to take her decisions and held accountable for her choices as you.
– Your parents might differentiate, but you should not. Be her support system. You can understand her viewpoints and though processes much better than anyone else. Be empathetic and think over and beyond gender stereotypes.
– Let her break the rules. Let her commit mistakes. Life is the greatest teacher of them all.
– Your sister is not the only woman in the world. She will get her fair share of attention, she will get attracted. She has the right to live exactly the way any other normal being in a progressive and civilized society has the right to live.
– Finally, pamper her, treat her well and make her feel as much valued and cherished as you. There is no other man in the world that she would be most comfortable turning to in her times of distress and trouble.
The bond that we share with our siblings is a special one. It takes maturity, unconditional love and appreciation from both sides to keep it nurtured and long-term. Family is to support, understand and love, not to judge, blame or hold grudges against. Keep that bond between the young sister and elder brother one of love, respect and a lot of playfulness, along with some well-kept secrets of course!
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